Transportation policies vary depending on your location and particular campus. Individualized transportation will be assessed on an individual basis during the admissions process.

Bus Transportation
Students who qualify to ride the school bus (provided by the student’s local school district) to and from school must realize that they are under the authority of the bus driver. Failure to cooperate can lead to denial of bus transportation. Good bus conduct is expected, and a student must follow the rules established by the bus driver. Student behavior on the bus reflects the values of VCS.
Forms are to be returned to Heidi Swiger
Heidi Swiger
Operations Director
330-788-8088 Ext. 1118
Student Parking
Driving to school is a privilege at VCS. Students who wish to drive, must purchase a VCS Student Parking Pass annually and observe all parking expectations. Students will be assigned a parking area. Students may not park in areas designated for staff or guests to the building. Each driver must be an example of courteous and careful driving habits. Cars must remain parked until the student leaves for the day. Cars are not to be occupied during the school day. Failure to observe these rules will result in the cancellation of driving privileges.